Mindset changes for starting to prioritise your own needs for mums

Mindset changes for starting to prioritise your own needs for mums

I have been posting quite a few posts lately with simple self-care ideas, with the aim of it being so simple that anyone – including and ESPECIALLY caregiving mums – are able to fit more self-care into their life. By…

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Why getting healthy should be your goal this year not weight loss

Why getting healthy should be your goal this year not weight loss

Are you team goal setting for new years eve? Or do you keep well away? I like setting goals, so I always set them. You can read here about how I do that: Goal setting One of the most popular…

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Simple and low-effort ways to give yourself self-care

Simple and low-effort ways to give yourself self-care

This time of year is always busy, and there is usually so much going on that our usual routines go out of the window – which isn’t a bad thing! However, it can sometimes make us feel like we have…

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How to feel more in control when life gets too busy

How to feel more in control when life gets too busy

Do you ever get that feeling, like you are on a treadmill of things to do and busy-ness, and you can see the end in sight but every time you get a bit closer – someone turns the speed/distance back…

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How to make eating well simpler with a balanced plate

How to make eating well simpler with a balanced plate

We know as care giving mums that we need to eat well to support ourselves and to be able to support those who we care for. We hear it all the time, that we need to take care of ourselves.…

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