How to change re-frame cleaning your home as self-care

How to change re-frame cleaning your home as self-care

Our home can be one of the biggest sources of stress to our lives – there is always things that need doing, something that needs to be cleaned, things that need sorting or things that need to be decluttered. It…

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Why a routine is essential for stopping mum burnout

Why a routine is essential for stopping mum burnout

Routine might not be the first thing you think of when you think about stopping burn out from happening, but it’s really important and it might just be the missing piece for you. Having a routine in general helps life…

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Signs you are using food to cope

Signs you are using food to cope

There is no shame in using food to cope. It’s pretty common and it only becomes an issue when it is our only coping mechanism. We are emotional beings, we feel a range of emotions, and one of the things…

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My daily stress reset ritual (and how to make your own)

My daily stress reset ritual (and how to make your own)

If you have been around here for a little while, you will know that I talk about closing the stress cycle quite a lot. It’s one of those things that is so important for our stress levels and for our…

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Where to start with mum burnout.

Where to start with mum burnout.

If you know, or suspect, that you are burning out or even if you know you ARE already burnt out – it can be a bit confusing about where the best place is to start. You know you want to…

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